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The Key to Getting a Strike Every Time

Everyone at the alleys wants to get a strike just as much as you do. No one cares whether they are trying to make it as a professional bowler, if they are bowling for pleasure, if they are on a date, or if they are with a group of pals. The feeling of having your friends and teammates applaud you on after a good game of bowling is unparalleled. This article will explain you the precise steps to take to guarantee a strike each and every time you go up to the bowling alley.

1. Choose the Right Ball

Before you even step up to the line, it might be a good idea to pick out the right ball for you. A quality bowling ball will always help you win your game. The perfect ball for you will depend on many factors, but one of the most important is your strength. Do you prefer a softer or harder ball? What size is most comfortable? Do you prefer thin or thick bowling balls? It should go without saying that if you have a larger frame, then a larger bowling ball may feel better for you.

2. The Approach

This is the most crucial part of bowling for a strike. Although this might be painfully obvious, but the first step in making a strike is to decide which pins you want to knock down. After you have figured that out, it’s time to consider your approach. If you are missing the mark then there is no point in even rolling the ball. In order to gain maximum accuracy, try and keep your shoulder as still as possible while you take your stance behind the line.

3. Get into Position

Your stance and posture are important factors in bowling strikes. Maintain a tall and erect posture with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Your bowling hand and the hand holding the ball should be on the same side of your body. A natural swing is achieved by keeping the arm loose. Be sure your arm is straight and near to your body when you swing back. The swing acts like a pendulum in this analogy.

4. Get the Right Timing

A strike requires precise timing while releasing the ball from the bowling arm. As your swing’s peak nears, drop the ball near your feet. If you release too early, the ball will fly out of the lane, and if you release at the correct time, the ball will stay in the lane and not soar too high (which happens if you release too late).

Bottom Line

Remember, you can do all of the above and still not get a strike if you don’t have perfect aim. However, when you choose to bowl, make sure to be confident with your abilities. If you throw strikes consistently then everyone will want to be your bowling buddy! Visit Airport Bowl to make sure that you are practicing at the right place.

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