Moissanite vs Diamond: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Moissanite vs Diamond: What You Need to Know Before You Buy


So, you’re in the market for a sparkling gem and torn between moissanite and moissanite vs diamond? You’re not alone! This debate has dazzled many eyes and puzzled many minds. Let’s dive into the details and help you figure out which gem truly shines for you.

What is Moissanite?

Origins of Moissanite

Moissanite has a fascinating history. Discovered by Henri Moissan in 1893, this gem was first found in a meteor crater. Yep, you heard that right—it’s out of this world! Initially mistaken for diamond due to its sparkle, it was later identified as silicon carbide. Today, most moissanite is lab-created, offering a stellar shine without the cosmic price tag.

Physical Properties of Moissanite

Moissanite is renowned for its exceptional brilliance and fire. Its refractive index is higher than diamond, meaning it can sparkle even brighter under light. It scores 9.25 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it one of the hardest substances known, just slightly behind diamonds.

Popularity and Uses of Moissanite

In recent years, moissanite has surged in popularity, especially in the jewelry market. It’s often used in engagement rings, earrings, and necklaces, loved for its sparkle and affordability. Celebrities and fashionistas alike are jumping on the moissanite bandwagon.

What is a Diamond?

Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds are formed under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions deep within the Earth’s mantle. This process takes billions of years. Diamonds are pure carbon crystals and are the hardest natural material, scoring a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds, also known as synthetic diamonds, are created in controlled environments that mimic the high-pressure, high-temperature conditions of the Earth’s mantle. They are chemically and physically identical to natural man made diamonds and are becoming increasingly popular due to their ethical and environmental benefits.

Physical Properties of Diamonds

Diamonds are celebrated for their unmatched hardness and durability. Their high refractive index and dispersion rate give them extraordinary brilliance and fire, making them the go-to gem for engagement rings and high-end jewelry.

Appearance and Brilliance

Sparkle and Fire: Moissanite vs Diamond

When it comes to sparkle, both moissanite and diamond are stunning, but they sparkle differently. Moissanite tends to exhibit a rainbow-like brilliance under light, whereas diamonds display a more classic, white sparkle. Some people love the fiery look of moissanite, while others prefer the subtler sparkle of diamonds.

Color and Clarity Differences

Diamonds come in a range of colors and clarity grades. The most valued are colorless diamonds, graded D-F, which are rare and expensive. Moissanites are typically near-colorless but can have a slight yellowish or greenish tint under certain lights. Clarity-wise, both gems can have inclusions, but they’re often less noticeable in moissanites due to their fiery brilliance.

Durability and Hardness

Hardness Comparison

Diamonds are the hardest known natural material, scoring a 10 on the Mohs scale. Moissanite is close behind with a score of 9.25, making it incredibly durable and suitable for everyday wear.

Longevity and Wearability

Both diamonds and moissanite are highly durable and resistant to scratching. Diamonds, being slightly harder, have a slight edge in longevity, but moissanite’s toughness also makes it an excellent choice for long-term wear.

Cost and Value

Pricing Comparison

One of the biggest differences between moissanite and diamond is the cost. Moissanite is significantly less expensive than diamonds, often costing a fraction of the price. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking beauty without breaking the bank.

Long-Term Value

Diamonds generally hold their value better over time, largely due to their rarity and market demand. Moissanite, while valuable, does not have the same resale value. However, for many, the immediate cost savings outweigh the long-term investment potential.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations

Mining Impact

Diamond mining has significant environmental and ethical implications, including habitat destruction and sometimes unethical labor practices. Moissanite, being lab-created, avoids these issues entirely, offering a more eco-friendly and ethical choice.

Lab-Grown Alternatives

Both lab-grown diamonds and moissanite present eco-friendly alternatives to mined diamonds. They require less energy and resources to produce and do not contribute to the environmental degradation associated with mining.

Popular Uses in Jewelry

Engagement Rings

Engagement rings are perhaps the most popular use for both diamonds and moissanite. Diamonds have long been the traditional choice, symbolizing eternal love. Moissanite, with its brilliant sparkle and affordability, is becoming a popular alternative for modern couples.

Fashion Jewelry

Moissanite and diamonds are also used in a variety of fashion jewelry, from earrings to bracelets to pendants. Both gems add a touch of elegance and glamour to any outfit.

Personal Preference: Choosing Between Moissanite and Diamond

Lifestyle Considerations

Your lifestyle plays a big role in choosing between moissanite and diamond. If you lead an active life and need a gem that can withstand a lot of wear and tear, both are excellent choices. However, if you prefer a gem with a unique sparkle, moissanite might catch your eye more.

Budget Considerations

Budget is often the deciding factor. If you’re looking for a stunning gem that doesn’t drain your wallet, moissanite is the way to go. If you see your jewelry as a long-term investment, you might lean towards diamonds despite the higher cost.


In the end, the choice between moissanite and diamond comes down to personal preference, budget, and values. Both gems have their unique advantages and can bring a lifetime of joy and sparkle. Whether you opt for the classic brilliance of a diamond or the fiery sparkle of moissanite, you’re sure to find a gem that suits your style and needs.